Kubernetes Fundamental #4
Kubernetes Fundamental #4

Okay Hello again everybody!!! Now we’re going straight up into more advance and interesting topic which is Daemon Sets, Static Pod, Scheduler Events and the basic for monitoring and logging in Kubernetes Cluster. Just about 2 more article we’re going to the next chapter of the article, leaving the Kubernetes Fundamental one. Okay don’t give... » read more

Kubernetes Fundamental #3
Kubernetes Fundamental #3

Hello everyone! Okay since last article we’ve discuss some label and selector also service as a networking in Kubernetes. Now in this attempt we’re going to discuss Manual Scheduling, Taint & Toleration, Node Affinity and Resource Limit. It’s going to be more advance topic, and it takes time to understand it. Don’t give up to... » read more

Kubernetes Fundamental #2
Kubernetes Fundamental #2

Hello everyone! SO today is an exiting day yeah. Now I’m going to share some more of Kubernetes Fundamental concept and object component that you need to know before you’re becoming Kubernetes Administrator. There’s still a lot of things that we need to know, so don’t give up! Okay in this time, we’re going to... » read more

Kubernetes Fundamental #1
Kubernetes Fundamental #1

Hello again! Now in this post we’ll cover some of the next basic Kubernetes component and concept that you need to know before becoming Kubernetes Administrator. In this article as you know from previous article, we’re going to discuss some of the basic object in Kubernetes. This object in most of the case are always... » read more

Kubernetes Fundamental #0
Kubernetes Fundamental #0

Hello everyone! I guess this is the first time for Adaptive Network Lab launch the first article that use English as the article language. I hope you guys are enjoying it! If you don’t, just turn on translate mode of this article on your web browser. So today I’m going to show you some of... » read more